Its Halftime America

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Re: Its Halftime America

Postby Mark Nixon » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:25 am

dazedandconfused wrote:....It was a commercial why let it get you all qorked up?

It's getting people all "qorked up" because it's more of the elitist few picking and choosing what they want to support and "fight" to preserve. These people won't fight for the common person and his/her needs, we aren't good enough.
It's like people staunchly supporting Obama, even though he's PROVEN that he has no good intentions for the American People.
It seems like The People WANT the demise that appears to be coming, it's more important to them to vote their party lines, than to get their heads out of their collective as-ses and see that politicians have never cared a bit for the people until election time(s) roll around, then suddenly "the voter" is important.
But Obama will change that, he's all for importing in Latino voters just for the occasion.

Anything for Big Government, Politicians and Big Business to continue the status quo. :roll:

Mark Nixon

Re: Its Halftime America

Postby ellis93 » Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:42 am

CAJUN 93 wrote:Ellis, i fixed my roof went back to work and haven't looked back. i dont like that they mention katrina every time N.O. is brought up but hell the still mention the san fransico fire, al copone in chicago, the earthquake in alaska,etc. its part of the cities history and it's gonna get mentioned. i've said before, the people shown after katrina crying for help are the same group of government dependants that every inner city has. they rely on someone else to feed, cloth and transport them every other day of the year. why would that change during a national disaster. we appreciate the help we got from the government, coporations, church groups, etc.. most of us have moved on. the fact that it bugs so many other americans shows me that the majority of us have not faced a disaster of this proportion. i was and still am prepared with food, water and ammo. most were not.


Your quit right,it will forever more be part of its history, but will turn into its greatest crutch too.
93 D250 ,5 speed,4.11s,k&n autometer tach pyro trans boost guages,GDS 60mm h1c 14cm,honed 5x10,hplp/reg,1/8 timing,M+H M2 fuel pin, tims cooler tubz
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