TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Moderator: BC847

TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby BC847 » Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:05 pm

Folks, I'm looking for TIPS and suggestions anyone buying or selling on the Internet in general should consider. What do you do to protect yourself and your money?

- Get Mama-given names.
- Physical home address.
- A Home & Cellphone number. Do you call and speak with the seller/buyer BEFORE the deal? (This also helps verify phone numbers).
- Full comprehensive records of all communications.
- Mutually confirmed note showing who is getting what for how much.
- Clear photographs of the item(s).
- Full description of the item(s) including a history of ownership and use.

Things like that. :D

How do you go about payment?
- Verified PayPal?
- Certified money-order?
- Live fowl?

What about shipment?
- While on the phone with the buyer/seller, do you also discuss how things will be packaged? What about if things show-up in pieces?
- Do you wait for bank-issued checks to clear said bank BEFORE one ships the item(s)?

Warranty's? Money back if things don't prove like described?

Keep in mind, that information gathered before a deal goes south, is what you might hand law-enforcement officers, lawyers, and judges. They're not into illegible shorthand scrabbled on the back of an ice cream sandwich wrapper. Like I tell my young-uns: "What would Judge Judy say to you about it". I love ya. She doesn't".

Folks, I want your TIPS and suggestions so I can compile and post it in a Sticky in our Classified forum boards.

Let's try to keep this constructive and leave out the long-winded stories about the time some douche pulled this stunt. ;)

What say you? :?:

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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby BC847 » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:12 pm

Almost 24 hours and 75 views and nobody has anything to add?

- I just thought of one we might add under general information: "Who's your local sheriff?"

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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby oldestof11 » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:51 pm

Pictures and lots of them.


Search the username on Google and look at the boards he is on.

Ask for a phone number and cross reference on the internet. They should be honest on where they are from. If the number and person don't match, ask for more details. Sometimes the cell number is slightly off.

I just did this with some valve springs I bought off of CompD. The thing that had me worried was I sent the money as a gift upon his request. He kept in contact with me through the whole ordeal. I ended up not getting the springs as the box was cut OPEN. I ended up getting my money back in full. The thing that kept me from freaking out was he had good feedback from buying/selling some stuff and wasn't a total idiot when he posted.

Just my $.02 worth.
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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby PToombs » Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:01 pm

BC847 wrote: "Who's your local sheriff?"

Buford T Justice! :mrgreen:

I buy carefully. Check feedback on e-bay. I learned, look at the feedback with a sceptical eye, see if it can be taken as, "well, I got boned, but he gave me the money back to be quiet.". If you read feedback, you can read between the lines sometimes and see this. As for packaging, I take my chances and have been lucky. If they offer insurance, I always take it. If it's something I value, I ask for insurance and am willing to pay extra for it.
On the diesel boards, I try to buy from guys I know, or who I have seen good things about.
On Cl, look it over, and I pay cash to get a better deal. Obviously you are taking your chances and need to know what you are looking at.

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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby BC847 » Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:53 pm

Thanks for replying folks. 8)

Anybody else got anything they'd like to add?

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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby dazedandconfused » Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:46 am

I don't do paypal and only pay in cash or postal money order. It's much easier to verify the money order from the post office is authentic without having to wait 2 weeks like most to find out. I got burnt on paypal and taking money orders.
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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby BC847 » Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:43 pm

If you do pay with PayPal, DON'T send the money as a "gift".

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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby PToombs » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:09 pm

Why? Oh, I got it, because they'll say why do you want it back if it was a gift? ;)
I never thought of that! Thanks Dave!

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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby HHhuntital » Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:28 pm note not to forget; communication via email is valid evidence in court. It's in writing, and can be verified electronically where it came from, almost always. Communication via email is not always bad. I don't necessarily like it that much, as I like to talk, but it can (and has in the past, for me) save your Obama from getting chapped!! :x

I, personally, like to look at things in person before committing to buy. Usually, if it's too good to be true, it is....

*I guess you covered that in copies of all communications, didn't you.... I overlooked that.... :oops:
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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby dvino618 » Fri May 04, 2012 6:44 pm

Id be happy just to view them
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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby james1 » Wed May 23, 2012 1:50 pm

dvino618 wrote:Id be happy just to view them

...ditto. :cry:
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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby BC847 » Wed May 23, 2012 2:43 pm

Folks, at the top of our main forum index page, there is the "NEW MEMBERS READ THIS" thing. If you click on that link, you'll find a thread titled: "Accessing the The Classifieds & Private Messages". It's here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=12299

BC847 wrote:Before Newly Registered Members can access The Classifieds and Private Message feature, we ask that you introduce yourself in our Welcome forum and tell us about your truck. Step into the Engine, Chassis and "The Good Stuff" boards for example. See what kind of problems folks are having and the solutions they come up with. Ya may learn something. Recognize a problem you had? Contribute the fix that worked for you.

Come up with 25 meaningful posts, and you can then access the Classifieds and PM system.

This is an effort to cut down on Spammers and folks who use us as a Bill-board and nothing else. We hope that it'll make the members time spent here is that much more enjoyable.

It's just that simple. ;)

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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby dunes450r » Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:35 pm

check out any parts you buy immediately when you receive them to make sure they are what you thought they were, and possibly discuss with the seller what they might do if the parts aren't what you thought, are broken, or just plain won't work.
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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby BC847 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:24 pm

I can't believe I've not posted this before now. :oops:

Folks, cannot be held responsible in anyway, for any dealings through these forums and its Classifieds Section.

- You are on your own one way or another.
- Let the buyer beware.

Further, if you get caught in a bad deal, we can't have you "airing the laundry" in our forums. Any threads of such will be deleted with no notice.

NOTE: IF you are involved in a dispute, point us to the thread involved and it will be locked so nothing can be changed.

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Re: TIPS for Buying/Selling in our Classifieds

Postby bgilbert » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:02 pm

BC847 wrote:Further, if you get caught in a bad deal, we can't have you "airing the laundry" in our forums. Any threads of such will be deleted with no notice.

That is bs. This is a community. Shouldn't our fellow members/friends be warned of a bad seller? Edit my myself 8) .
Last edited by bgilbert on Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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